29 August 2008

JMT Day 8: Duck Pass to Squaw Lake

July 11, 2008

Today was another long, uphill day. We also got off to a slow start again. Mugs and I decided that we really need to be on the trail by 7am, otherwise we are sluggish all day. Well at least I am. My feet seem to be getting a little better. I still have blisters, but overall I think they will get better as time goes on. Today was not a good day mentally for me. We have been out here for 8 days and for some reason I just couldn't get into the groove today. I felt like I was walking through wet cement all day. It could be because I'm not eating enough and it's really starting to take a toll on me. Tomorrow we'll be at VVR so I'll have a chance to recharge my batteries and get some rest form hiking. I really do enjoy being out here, today is just a bad day. I also miss my doggie. This is the longest I've been away from her since I got her 7 years ago. It's weird not having her sleep next to me or by my feet. Probably the reason why I still can't sleep through the night. Well I'm going to bed. Mugs and I want an early start so we don't miss the boat to VVR.
1. View of squaw lake from our campsite
2. the mountains around us
3 More of the mountains
- the mountain pictures are hazy due to the forest fires north of us.
mileage: 9.3/ 79.6
elevation: 10,170 ft to 10, 300 ft +168 ft/ - 1,148 ft

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