27 August 2008

JMT Day 3: Sunrise lakes to Tuolumne Meadows

July 6, 2008

The mosquitoes were horrible this morning. I had to wear long sleeves and they were still eating me alive. It's a good thing I'm not allergic to them otherwise I would be really crabby right now and would have scratched all the skin off my arms. I don't think that is a spot where I don't have a bite.

We made really good time today. Hiked 10 miles in about 8 hours. Most of it was down hill so it goes a little faster. We got into Tuolumne about 3:30-4p. Mugs set up camp and I went to find the bathroom. So far we've been lucky to have actual bathrooms at our campsites. This will all change tomorrow, then we'll be true backpackers! We headed down to the river for a swim and to wash some clothes. It was awesome! The water is so clear and fresh. A little on the cold side, but very refreshing.

Mugs and Cies went to a "Know your animals" presentation. I stayed back. I developed blisters under two toenails on my right foot and I still have the blister on my heal, so I cared for my feet instead of learning about animals. It's getting to dark to write and Mugs has my headlamp, so I'm going to lie here and look at the stars and question life. Nighty-night

1. Mugs and Cies heading out of camp towards Cathedral Pass
2. Me on the trail heading towards Cathredral Pass
3. The meadow we just walked thru
4. Mountains
5. I think these are the Cathedral Mts
6. More of the mountian range from Cathedral Pass
7. Mugs, Sam and me on Cathedral Pass
8. Sister bonding in the tent

mileage: 10.9 today, 24 overall
elevation: 9320 ft to 8680 ft + 250 ft/-990 ft

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