30 August 2008

JMT Day 15: Sapphire Lake to Middle Fork Junction

July 18, 2008

My feet hurt! We hiked about 14 miles today. Granted most of it was down hill. It seemed like it took us forever to to walk from Big Pete Meadow to the Bishop Pass junction. 2 miles down hill took us almost 3 hours to hike, then we turn around and hike 3 miles in an hour and a half. Somewhere the mileage had to be off. It just doesn't make sense. It almost reminded me of when we went over Donohue Pass to Garnet Lake. That was a long down hill also.

Muir pass was cool. It's weird to see pictures in books of the Muir hut that's on the pass and then I am really there. Same with when I was checking out the JMT website and saw the hut. I guess I never really thought I would have a picture of me in front of the hut also. It just make me more excited to summit Whitney. I am so looking forward to that. Only one more week left. Hard to believe that it's a week away.

Time to read the trashy novel and hit the sack. I made an awesome supper tonight; beef strogenoff with real beef (thanks to the hiker bins at muir ranch) and fresh wild onions. Good stuff!!

1. Wanda Lake, north of Muir Pass
2. Me taking a break on the steps of the Muir Hut (11,980 ft)
3. Mugs looking for the trail in the snow. Helen Lake in the background
4. Helen Lake
5. Looking back (north) to Muir Pass

mileage: 14.9/142.5
elevation: 11,000 to 8070 +980/ - 3910

1 comment:

Schmiddy said...

Love the hut shot and the lake shot with the reflection - awesome!