27 February 2009

Loving the Job...

I know I have only been working there for a month so my feelings could change by this time next year, but I really do love my job. First of all I can't complain about the hours...7-3 Monday- Friday. There aren't too many jobs in health care that have these hours, so I'm very fortunate. Secondly, I love working with the elderly. They are so funny. I laugh everyday by what someone says. I hope that as I get older I'll just speak my mind too! I can see why my Mom worked in a nursing home for 20 years.

I think it's funny when people ( classmates and instructors) ask me me "where do you want to work?" and I respond with "in a nursing home." I get some odd looks. I don't know why because its a place where you have the most job security. I may not get paid as much as a nurse that works in hospital, but I have job security. That to me is more important than money. Ok I just like working with the elderly and that's the most important thing overall.

Getting back to the job...I'm still getting used to working daylight hours. That's the biggest change for me. I'll eventually go back to nights once I finish school. But for now I'm glad I get the opportunity to work during the day. I also like only having six residents to care for. I do miss working in a larger facility...ok I really miss working nights at URC. I had a really good experience there and worked with some really great people.

All in all, I love old people and I'm looking forward to living in the home.