02 September 2008

JMT Day 17: Upper Palisades lake to Pinchot Pass

July 20, 2008

Today we hiked about 12 miles. We made it over Mather Pass and Pinchot Pass. Nice accomplishment. I was very tired by the time I got into camp at 7:30p, but I don't have to go over Pinchot. My feet are really bothering me tonight. All I want to do is sleep.

Pictures: (out of order)
1. Half way up Mather Pass looking north. Can barely see Palisade lake
2. Pinchot Pass looking north (12,130 ft)
3. Pinchot pass looking south
4. Pinchot pass again
5. Sunset over the mountians
6. Me on the south side Mather Pass (12,100 ft)
7. Mugs on the north side of Mather Pass
8. Mugs on the trail heading south after Mather Pass
9. Sunset on the mountians south of Pinchot

mileage: 11.9/162.8

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